Today I faced some problems when I created eclipse project files for Tapestry. There are several modules that result in separate Eclipse project files. Since there is a Maven pom.xml for the whole Tapestry project and for each project I used
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSource=true
to generate initial project files. I used a separate workspace where I imported all projects of Tapestry. At first Eclipse was not able to compile them.
I identified two problems:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSource=true
to generate initial project files. I used a separate workspace where I imported all projects of Tapestry. At first Eclipse was not able to compile them.
I identified two problems:
- ArtefactID of tapestry-annotations is tapestry5-annotations. This resulted in an invalid classpath project reference to tapestry-5annotations. After manually modifying the build path settings for the tapestry-ioc and the tapestry-component-report projects that error was resolved. Seems that the pom.xml needs to be fixed to solve that problem, but this would probably cause many side effects.
- The source directory configuration in the plastic project pom.xml just points to the project folder. This results in an invalid project configuration in Eclipse. By manually changing the project layout to use the src/test/java, src/main/java and src/external/java and target/maven-shared-archive-resources and removing the project root folder fixed the problem and the projects compile in Eclipse without any problem.
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